Welcome to

Pest ID by Pestshare

On demand pest control for pest infestations.


We need to:

  • Enter your info
  • Identify your pest problem
  • Verify your coverage
  • Schedule your service with a service provider
Pest ID by Pestshare

Got a Pest

Pest Share will help you clean up your infestation. Help us better serve you by filling out this quick form.

Please enter the first name!
Please enter the last name!
Please enter the email!
Please enter the phone number!
Pest ID by Pestshare

What is your

We will match your address in our system to determine what coverage you qualify for.

Please enter the address!
Please enter the unit number!
Please enter the city!
Please enter the state!
Please enter the zip!
Please select the property type!
Pest ID by Pestshare

Verify address

Please confirm your address to continue.

Pest ID by Pestshare

Let’s Clear Up the Confusion

Sometimes our system doesn’t have the most updated addresses. This can happen for a number of reasons, but we have a team that is dedicated to getting your pest infestation cleaned up.

Please enter the property managemet company!
Please enter the message!
Pest ID by Pestshare



Message Successfully Sent!

Pest ID by Pestshare

You’re in our system

We still need some more info to help you! While we pull your coverage details tell us a little more about your pest infestation.

We need to:

  • Enter your info
  • Identify your pest problem
  • Verify your coverage
  • Schedule your service with a service provider
Pest ID by Pestshare

Which pest are you seeing?

Please select the pest that is infesting your home. (You will be able to add more later)

Pest ID by Pestshare

Tell us a little bit more about the infestation

We will use this information to speed up your removal process

I have seen the pest…

Specifically, I have seen them…

Near the…

Pest ID by Pestshare

What is the size of your home?

Help us determine your coverage.

Home size Small Medium Large
Image Image Image 100-1200 sqft 1200-2000 sqft 2000-4000 sqft
Pest ID by Pestshare

How many of them have you seen?

We will use this information to speed up your removal process

I’ve seen
In the last
In groups of
Pest ID by Pestshare

Can you upload a picture of them?

This will help us determine the extent of your infestation


Allowed Formats: JPG, JPEG and PNG

Maximum upload file size: 12MB

Pest ID by Pestshare

Tell us a bit more about the infestation

0 / 500
Pest ID by Pestshare

Review your claim


333 Pearl Street Apt 17A New York, New York, 10003

Pests Covered

The pest(s) below are covered under your current package.

Pests Not Covered

The pest(s) below are not covered under your current package. If you submit a request for a non - covered pest, you are requesting to discuss service options with a pest control provider as the financially responsible party for any costs arising from service for a non-covered pest.

Pest ID by Pestshare

Additional info

0 / 500  characters
Pest ID by Pestshare

Confirm Infestation

Pest ID by Pestshare
Checking address Adding pests Matching coverage

Pest Request Submitted

The next step is to schedule your service. We’re looking at service professionals in your area who are best suited to handle your pest infestation. They’ll be in contact with your preferred contact method.

One or more pests that your reported require an inspection and the resulting quote will be provided to your property manager.


Pest Share Request Number

  • Enter your info
  • Identify your pest problem
  • Verify your coverage
  • Schedule your service with a service provider
Pest ID by Pestshare

Pests Covered

The pest(s) below are covered under your current package.

Pests Not Covered